Location: melbourne, vic

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

This morning , my phone madly rang like hell , and when i picked up, i was preparing to yell at the caller whoever she/he is (i dun give shit on what sex the person is). Bloody in-considerate prick~~ , call me at 11 o'clock in the morning while i was still pig-snored , deeply slumbered ...

it turned out to be A , my friend , sorry no more info provided
well , we chatted about half and hour i suppose, mostly about the stuff that we are going to do when we reach melbourne . But i don't know why all of a sudden , GF (girl friend)issues just conjured up from nowhere in our conversation , and FYI , he never chatted about this b4 , what a surprise...

well, details are strictly classified , not to mention what happened.
overall : relationshiply fatigue ..

Two simple words , but worth a whole day to ponder...
until now at 9.30p.m in front of my desktop , popsicle in my mouth (damn yummy) , but my thought still left behind at 11.00a.m in the morning , thinking back what he said ..
-how to describe relationship precisely ? finger lickin' good with loads of responsible in the mean time?
Everyday we see people holding hands , hugging each other , but what level of commitment has somebody to put in order to get it? how many responsiblility has somebody (esp guy) burdened in order to forge out the matrimony?

but isn't it contradicted if we say relationship is something that we enjoy?
okay , maybe the responsibility part can be enjoyable in the first few stages in life.. but what about after 20 ,30 and 40 years later? will you still enjoy it?

how about being single with posse around you and give you companies (that's what i strongly suggest) , what do you think? is that better or worse?

no offence but just observe the couples around you ,

they still tied together = yes
look happy or as if nothing happened = maybe
still love each other = i don't know
exhausted (are you tired?)= sometimes

sorry i dun have a conclusion on this post , the conclusion are vary, it depends on what's your perpective in lives and attachment..


Blogger Alvin Ooi said...

Hey, I cant post anything in your chatterbox leh...

9:35 AM  

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